Green Eyes
The average lifespan of a fly (at warm Texas temperatures) is 20-30 days. It takes them a week to reach adulthood. They live the remaining 3/4 of their lives eating and mating, and yes, flies do sleep, not for very long and not very deeply. At this point, you're probably wondering why I'm telling you about flies. Good question! Since this is a blog centered around photography, it would probably be a good guess that I took a picture of a fly, but why is the question.
Do you think flies think in long term goals? Do you think they are stressed when they don't get to have sex with the last fly they came across? Maybe they get depressed when their fly family dies. Perhaps they are filled with immense jealousy when they see another fly "rich" with foods they do not possess.
I don't think so, do you want to know why?
Besides the fact that they are small insects and are incapable of producing this kind of thinking and emotion, the answer has already been mentioned. They live for 3-4 weeks! Every second spent on thinking about things that just don't matter is a second lost.
If a fly can understand the importance of time, how much more wise should we be with our intelligent brains? Our time on this earth is merely a breath. We are here one day and gone the next. You simply cannot afford to allow negative thinking and hurdles to slow you down. Know what you want and go for it. Ask yourself what the next step is to achieve your goal AND DO IT. It doesn't matter if it's a baby step as long as it's in the right direction. When you complete it, tackle the next step. Be relentless in your pursuit. Don't settle for anything less than you deserve. It pains me to see people with so much potential convince themselves that they are not worthy of success and happiness. Be positive, take control of your thoughts and actions, and you will not fail.
Finally, here is my picture. We have much to learn from Green Eyes.
The past is the past, the present is earned, and the future is what we make of it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts.
-Brent Steck
For the photographers, the techinical information for this picture is located on the picassa photo. Please click on the picture for more information. Thanks!
Awesome Brent! Not only the picture, but your words are captivating and so true. Thanks for sharing this. I look forward to your next installment. Love ya.